
Who are we ?

Why Ambiance Riviera?

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Originally, we ran a family garden creation business established in the Gulf of Saint-Tropez since 1979.

The concept Ambiance Riviera was created in 2020.

Two main reasons are behind this project :

  • We wanted to respond to a request from many customers searching for top of the range quality exterior furniture.
  • We also wanted to highlight our garden creations with an elegant and confortable final touch.
Open 9h-19h

Therefore, we have selected a small number of renowned brands whose creations go well together.

The deliberately limited number of brands allows us to maintain our family spirit and stay as close as possible to our values.

We want to prioritize relationships with our commercial partners and a good knowledge of the products we sell.

The BIG GREEN EGG, for example, were highly recommended to us by one of our customers… and we immediately adopted them!

Today, we are proud to offer a wide range of chic and comfortable items.

For customers residing in our geographic area, we also offer delivery and even installation of the product at your home!

Our mission : make your life easier and offer an all-inclusive service.

Now all you have to do is choose! And if you need advice, we’re here!


Christine de Bos

Sales Manager

Serge de Bos


Quality First !

We carefully select practical and pleasant items: barbecues recognized by great chefs for their cooking precision and their resistance in a professional environment, original and classic lamps adapting to all climates and all tastes, elegant and resistant garden furniture

Whatever the location of your project, we will do our best to satisfy you so that you find YOUR rare gem!


Who are we ?

When was born
Ambiance Riviera

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It all started in 2019 when a large empty parking lot at the entrance to Sainte-Maxime caught our attention.

Then, the events followed one another, we were caught in a spiral of ideas, ours but also those of our friends and clients, until we ended up with the creation of our own exhibition space.

This creation represents a lot of work and effort, but the result suits us 100%.

As a result, we decided to set up our offices on site in order to be closer to our customers. And that is also very pleasant.


Who are they ?

Who are
our suppliers ?

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We are lucky to work with large and prestigious brands who offer very serious support.

Some items are made on request with a choice of colors and fabrics.

These brands ensure the impeccable quality of each piece of furniture, and give their best to offer items conceptualized by designers and created in a unique way, leaving no stone unturned.

Your projects are also ours!

We accompany you by putting at your disposal our experience and our know-how in order to offer you the best solution for your project by guaranteeing you a quality without reproach.